How To Style A Unicorn Outfit

In my new review, I will show and tell you how you can create a cute unicorn-themed outfit perfect for this summer. I'll tell you everything from where and how I created mine and give you tips on where you can find your own bathing suit and accessories to make your very own outfit.

- photo by @youraverageguystyle

Unicorn Hot Tub Style

Always playing dress up, whether it's for a photo shoot or to chill outside in my hot tub. This time I decided to dress up as a unicorn, inspired by My Little Pony. The pony I went with to create this style is called Dash.ย  Dash is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters in the TV show "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic". She is blue and has rainbow hair and wings, and is overall just awesome. So why wouldn't I have chosen such a badass character that controls the weather?!

List Of Items

If you are looking to recreate my unicorn style or are just curious to find out how to achieve maybe a similar style on your own, then here is a full list of what I used to make my outfit:

  • Unicorn Swim Suit - Amazon
  • Unicorn Heels - Pleaser
  • Unicorn Headband - XS Stock
  • Rainbow Wings - XS Stock
  • Nails - by me

XS Stock is a worldwide store that not only sells household items but has a vast Halloween, prop, and accessories section too! I find that living near one of these stores gives me an advantage in finding some bits and bobs to collectively create a look like this. The wings for this look are from XS Stock, and I always head there for all my winged costume outfits.

- nails by @evesarseden

Bathing Suit

I chose a two-piece bathing suit covered in little unicorns and rainbows for this unicorn hot tub aesthetic. I just thought it was very playful, especially with the overall outfit I created. If you are finding it hard to get your hands on an outfit like this, then here are some online stores that sell bathing suits or bikinis you could try:

Additional Accessories

Adding in some cute and fun accessories is always a good idea. I went even as far as adding additional pieces such as My Little Pony plasters and a set of unicorn nipple pasties! Here's where you can find some accessories to add to your own outfit.

Choosing A Location

If you are creating a look for a photo shoot, choosing the right setting is important. I chose my hot tub as it was close and clashed well with the style and swimsuit I had chosen. The blue water went really well with my two-piece swimwear; all of the tones just really came together. You could even try an outfit like this maybe on the beach? Make a splash, make it happen.

My Final Say

I hope this article was helpful in achieving your own rainbow unicorn outfit. I just love creating outlandish and out-of-the-box looks, mainly inspired by anime or cartoons that I am interested in. Just remember the important things, have fun and just go with it! If you want to see what's coming next don't forget to subscribe to my website and stay tuned for the next crazy piece from me on my female fashion blog.

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